MNMRC’s Robin Newbold & Mike Fogarty Featured in December 2021 issue of “Neighbors of Wailea & Makena”

Maui Nui Marine Resource Council co-founder and chair Robin Newbold is featured in a cover story in  the December edition of the magazine Neighbors of Wailea & Makena, along with her partner Mike Fogarty.

The article describes how Robin’s lifelong love of the ocean began in early childhood and continued into her adult years, during which she began scuba diving off the coast of California and bought a live-aboard boat so she could explore the region’s coastal kelp forests.

Robin went on to teach Oceanography and Marine Biology at Saddleback College, while also using breaks in her teaching schedule to travel and explore marine ecosystems in the Pacific.

Concern about the declining health of Maui’s coral reefs led her to collaborate with teacher and community activist Uncle Edwin Lindsey to create a community-based group to work together on the problems impacting the reefs. The regular meetings of this council of community representatives, including marine biologists, cultural practitioners, fishermen, educators and managers, was the start of the Maui Nui Marine Resource Council, a nonprofit working today for healthy coral reefs, clean ocean water and abundant native fish for the islands of Maui Nui.

Maui Nui Marine Resource Council’s Board and staff are grateful for the efforts of Mike Fogarty, who volunteered to help the young organization secure its non-profit status. Mike now serves as the Executive Director of Maui Nui Marine Resource Council.

To read the article about Robin and Mike, please view the images below.

Learn more about Neighbors of Wailea & Makena at their Facebook page at



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